Thursday, May 22, 2008

FPEA Homeschool Convention

Yes, the weekend has arrived. We are at the Florida Parent Educators Association Homeschool Convention once again. This is probably the seventh year in a row we have spent our Memorial Day Weekend here browsing through curriculum and books. Those of you who know me, know that I spend more time browsing the latter than the former!

But this year is different -- oh yes, it is! Kylie Jeanne Saunders is going to put on her cap and gown later this weekend and walk slowly to Pomp and Circumstance. I wish I could walk the aisle with her, because we are all graduating this weekend. I hope not to cry.

Kylie and Lauren Parker were mugging for the camera tonight at Hunter Parker's birthday party. These two have been buddies for 15 years now. Lauren will walk that long aisle with Kylie on Saturday, before heading off to Gordon College for her wilderness training.

This is our living room for the weekend. We have a sweet suite for all the comings and goings.

Tomorrow I will head down to the convention center to browse the resource hall. I may check into one or two of the lectures...or not! And I WILL check into the spa at some point. Stay tuned for gripping updates!


Anonymous said...


I remember those HS convention days. Wow what a memory. You posts bring it all back.

Is she your one and only?


Marla said...

Got one more following on her heels. She's 15, in 10th grade. I haven't seen her since we got here!