Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday Hospitality

(My apologies: I have no idea why everything is underlined today!)

I've been reading a book called "Static" by Ron Martoia. I loved this quote and thought I would share it with you. By the way, for those of you who care about such things, I did NOT bake that yummy looking bread. I saw it in NYC and couldn't resist. And the tables and chairs are at City Place, in front of Sloan's Ice Cream.

"Another thing I learned is that great food and a great setting create space for love and life to flow. This is one respect in which other cultures around the world are very different from ours. Meals in Italy, France, Hungary, and Nepal and other parts of Asia are seen more as events, focal gathering spots to connect, debrief, and experience life together. I want to suggest that in some ways this is part of God's original intention for the Garden -- the full flow of love, sharing, food, drink, and conviviality that come in that setting."

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